Application of the theory to the classroom/teaching

Application of the theory to the classroom/teaching

Piaget theory of cognitive development is a valuable and helpful guide to teacher because his theory is basically teacher centered theory.By using this theory in a classroom, teachers and students can get lot of benefits in several ways. Firstly, this theory help teacher to assess the current level of the each learners in a class by using the stages of cognitive development theory. While doing this teachers have to respect each student individual interests, abilities and limits and carter them differently with an effective lesson plan.
Then, teachers can develop a better understanding of their student’s thinking. As well as they can also align their teaching strategies with their student’s cognitive level. Moreover, through this theory teachers can help students to build their conservation level. In order for students to develop their conservation of constancy skills, teachers must provide their students with opportunities to recognize similarities and differences at both the physical and abstract level (Garner, 2008).

Allow students to learn from their mistakes. As Piaget believed that children develop knowledge about the world through trial and errors. Although, teachers are frustrated with students mistakes teachers has to be a model of patience and guide them to the right direction. For example, if students are making same mistake in writing a word, teachers can guild the students and give them opportunity to learn from their mistakes.
Due to the intellectual growth occurs when learner attempt to elimination or disequilibrium, by assimilation and accommodation new information or experiences, lesson, material and that introduce new concepts should capture learners interest an curiosity. For this reason teachers have to put learners into a suitable situation where students are actively engaged in learning process.  Therefore, teachers have to design their teaching with material and other objects which makes lesson interesting. 

Provide many opportunities to experience the world in order to build a foundation for concept learning and language. Such as, take students to a field trip. And for adolescence teacher can present problems which require logical, analytical thinking to solve. Teacher can provide material such as mind twisters, brain teasers and riddles. And also teacher can ask open ended question. 

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